Month: March 2023

Counting Beans: Is Growing Your Own Beans Worth It?

Close up of freshly picked burgundy beans.

Beans come in a number of varieties and colors. Making them both a fun and practical addition to any garden. That said, beans are small and it takes quite a few to make even one serving. Is it cost effective to grow your own? Do you have to grow a garden full to see the benefit, or are a few enough?

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Lettuce Grow Our Own: As Produce Prices Rise

Close up of a romaine lettuce leaf

Lettuce is one of the easiest crops for home gardeners to grow. Even so, it is often one that is overlooked when they start growing their own produce. Most get distracted by the pretty yellows, oranges, purples, and reds of growing things like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants etc. Are we right to overlook this, seemingly less exciting, green? Does it belong in your garden, or just at the bottom of the grocery list?

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